Supplying dried mango, dried coconut and other dried tropical fruit

We have a specialisation in connecting fruit drying companies to markets. We engage intensively in the whole process to ensure reliable deliveries and quality products. Our assistance varies per supplier from ensuring product quality to securing financing for investments and working capital. 

Next to working with larger drying companies we aim to work with smaller drying companies, supporting their development. Dried tropical fruits are perfect to alleviate poverty, involving large numbers of growers and employees making a sustainable living from it.

Finance acquisition

With experience in over 30 countries, being highly successful in finance acquisition in developing countries, we are your perfect partner in acquiring grant funding. We offer a no-cure, no-pay, service.

Contact us for a quick and free check if there are any opportunities for your company!

Finance acquisition

We have partners in Mozambique, Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso. The service office is in the Netherlands. For direct orders please go to


Ruysdaelhof 2

5642JM Eindhoven

The Netherlands

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